Gay weddings abroad are trendy

Gay weddings abroad are very popular, but what are the advantages, requirements and costs of a gay destination wedding?

An obvious first advantage is the weather. For example weddings in Spain are almost certain to enjoy a perfect climate from May to September, making it possible to celebrate ceremony, reception, dinner and dance outdoors.

And which couple doesn’t dream of a gay beach wedding abroad, in the presence of close family and friends, avoiding the social pressure to invite distant family and friends.

But what is the cost of a gay destination wedding and who pays for what?

According to wedding etiquette the couple pays for all costs on the wedding day, but due to the shorter guest list, total costs are usually substantially lower then in your home country, especially if you decide on a wedding in Spain. So, as suggested by wedding etiquette, travel costs and accommodation are usually paid for by the guests.

Some wedding couples choose to pay the accommodation, or part thereof for some or all of their guests, and each guest can prolong his stay at his own expense.

According to market research, also the organisation of a gay destination wedding is a concern of many couples, though it doesn’t have to be, even on the contrary.

Of course there are obstacles, such as distance, language and culture, whom even with modern communication means are difficult to conquer, and travelling back and forth is not an option, it’s time consuming, expensive and no guarantee to succes.

Which is why most gay destination wedding couples rely on the services of a local wedding planner, but unfortunately, many wedding planners don’t have any diploma’s or experience, and that makes it difficult to choose.

Therefore, it’s highly recommended to check if a wedding planners is “NICE”;

Network; does he have a broad network of venues and suppliers with whom he frequently works and trusts, so that the quality and service is guaranteed?

Information: does he give extensive information on his services, prices, costs, diploma’s, associations to which he adheres, and references, preferably via an informative website.

Communication ; does he answer your questions and e-mails within 3 working days and can he offer the online systems that make it easy for the wedding couple to plan their wedding, and for guests to plan their travel, accommodation and attendance to the wedding.

Expertise: does he have the necessary expertise to answer immediately to your questions, and the required experience to avoid ideas and suggestions that don’t work.

If, on top of all, he can offer you the venues and services that meet your wishes, then nothing stands in the way to start planning your dream gay destination wedding!

Chris De Houwer & Elke Lambrechts are professional wedding planners & wedding designers of Costa Blanca Events, located in Altea on the Spanish Costa Blanca. Together with their team they organise weddings in more then 30 unique venues across the Costa Blanca. They’re perfectionists, and create bespoke and unforgettable weddings. Their proprietary online systems make it very easy, and stress free to plan your dream wedding abroad., photo & video mood books on


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