Understanding the Legality of Destination Weddings In Spain

Appropriate climate, Bright shiny days, and not-so-cold and not-so-warm temperature of Spring season are ushering the vibes of the wedding in Spain. If you are planning for a destination wedding in Spain; then there will be no better time than this! However as you will be new to the country and Spanish destination marriage is new for you, we here bring you a few nuggets of acumen which will help you prepare for the BIG-Day of your life!

Legal Destination Weddings Spain Aspects For Would-Be Couples

Understanding the legitimate part of hosting a Destination Weddings Spain can be a bit tricky and staying abide by the rules can be even trickier. For Catholic wedding ceremonies; there are no strict legal boundaries for a destination wedding.

However, there are few strict guidelines and documentary works which you need to complete before marriage. For all Catholic marriage ceremony in Spain; you are allowed to have minimum six months for completing all the legal documentary works.

Documents You Need Have
The essential documents, you need to have for a destination wedding in Spain includes but not limited to:

ü  A filed Pre-nuptial inquiry form for each party for the marriage
ü  Baptismal certificates for each party; dated within six months before your wedding
ü  Confirmation certificate issued by the local legal agency for wedding your confirmation
ü  Permission from your Priests regarding your approval for marriage outside your own country
ü  Letter of Freedom to Marry from your local pastor

Hire Best Wedding Planners For A Hassle-Free Experience
If you want to enjoy a smooth, hassle-free, and easy-going Destination Weddings Spain; then don’t forget to hire a Spanish designated wedding planner! He/she will not only plan your entire marriage ceremony but also will assist you with all the legal paperwork to ensure that your Catholic Church wedding is legally binding.


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